The Turkwel River has had an important influence on the landscape on which our human ancestors lived. The river provided water to support a riverine forest, eroded parts of the land, and deposited massive amounts of sediments too. The TBI Turkwel camp overlooks 3.5 million year old deposits of the ancient Turkwel river

The Turkwel River has had an important influence on the landscape on which our human ancestors lived. The river provided water to support a riverine forest, eroded parts of the land, and deposited massive amounts of sediments too. The TBI Turkwel camp overlooks 3.5 million year old deposits of the ancient Turkwel river

Students work on the fluvial transport assignment

The students under Professor Craig Feibel, study water velocity, depositional and erosional features of the Turkwel river. This exercise will help them better  understand how  the  ancient landscapes were sculpted by the Turkwel river over millions of years.

Taking place in the river, the exercise was fun because it gave  students a chance to cool off!



The Turkwel fluvial processes excercise-Joseph Etabu helps a student dry a wet notebook as goats pass by.