The first few days have been very busy for the crew; setting up a mobile camp to the south of the base camp. The crew has also been working hard bringing in lots of specimens of every kind but as usual the biggest reward for a gang member is the Hominidae. Nyete did the crew proud as he does many times, after discovering the first Hominidae tooth in a place that otherwise had very little bone littered on the surface. It was one of those near noon hours when thegods of the heavens forget and let the sun slip off their hands for a moment, releasing quite a bit of heat down wards. The crew celebrated and the morale went up as a result. Optimism grew several degrees on the positive and it is a matter of time before someone else calls everyone else to order saying, “behold the newest Hominidae”.


Gang member Nyete basking in the glory of his Hominidae find on the spot where he discovered it