As the Nakechichok women still continue to face the challenge of bending their backs as they practice some agriculture at least they are able to enjoy the fruits as they still constantly remind their trainer that Turkana women are strong and carry loads for long distances but bending their backs to dig, weed, water and plant was quite foreign to them.

In the last few weeks these women have been able to harvest some egg plants and while a market for these egg plants has been challenging in Lodwar, they have been able to offer the market and together with the Turkana Basin Institute staff bought egg plants to add to their diets and while it was a foreign food to them they appreciated the taste and how thick it made the soup.




And as the hard work continues one can’t help but appreciate the growth of their efforts, growing cucumber, capsicums, carrots, as the spinach, kunde and kale continue to thrive, and they not only look for a market outside the region but also start to appreciate themselves and their households as a market for spinach, kale, kunde, egg plants and pumpkin, as they look forward to a busy time at TBI to sell some of the vegetables.









The Nakechichok womenfolk have illustrated the saying ” You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind”.