One of the major focuses of the Archaeology module in the Turkana Basin is the use of stone tools in pre-historical times. Oldowan and Acheulean stone tool technologies were collectively prevalent for millions of years; Now it was time for our modern day students to try their hand at reliving their ancient ancestors´ ways of life.
While at Nariokotome the students collected phonolite and rhyolite as the raw materials for the next week, as well as Basalt and Quartz to use as hammerstones to create their masterpieces.
During the final week, the students knapped their own stone tools following minimal instruction. Dr. Sonia Harmand left them to their own devices and, using only a short video as a guide, the students still managed to perform remarkably well at constructing their own tools.
After knapping the tools required for preparing meat, the students took them to the butchering site where a dead goat was waiting for them.
The students, with the help of Francis and the kitchen staff, skinned and disembowelled the carcasses in preparation for the evening´s barbecue and celebration.
And thus, the field school comes to a close. The students enjoyed the barbecue and are sadly packing their bags to go home. After 10 amazing weeks, it was time for the students to return to their home lives to tell their families and friends about their exciting adventures in Turkanaland!