Welcome back! Our last week at Mpala was exciting and educational. The lessons on ecology and epidemiology with a focus on the mosquito vector were the peak of our discussion. Environmental and human factors influence the breeding spaces for mosquito larvae. In quest to understand this, the students hiked Mlima Fisi with Dr. Dino Martins to look for the larvae breeding sites.
Students shopped in Nanyuki town and later visited the Mt. Kenya Conservancy where they interacted with the endangered mountain bongos and South American Llamas. Sunday was spent hiking Mukenya Hills, and later attended the Laikipia science, education, and conservation film festival. We had the chance to watch the pack of wild dogs in the Laikipia plateau as documented by Dedan Ngatia, a wild dog ecologist and Paula Kahumbu, a wildlife conservationist.
Mpala provided a conducive learning space to understand human-elephant interaction, biodiversity of African Savanna and wildlife-livestock interaction. A change in altitude and vegetation defined the mid-week as the students hiked Mt. Kenya with Dr. Dino Martins.
We flew to TBI Ileret campus on Saturday ready and excited to start the Geology module. Kale beach was the place to end our week. We had the chance to swim in the waters of the enigmatic Lake Turkana!!
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue with the Geology module!