
About Lydia Myers

Hello! My name is Lydia Myers and I'm the Teaching Assistant for the 2018 summer field school. I am studying anthropology and human evolutionary biology at Stony Brook University, and I participated in the 2018 spring semester field school. My main interests are bone biomechanics, functional morphology, and human evolution.

Our last week at TBI

Our last week at TBI was an eventful one, with a lot of things to finish up before we packed up and came back home.  We took a trip to Central Island, learned a great deal about human evolution, visited an important paleontological site, and had a goat roast.  After a restful day last Saturday, [...]

By |2018-08-21T19:12:32+03:00August 21st, 2018|Field Schools, General, Origins Summer 2018|Comments Off on Our last week at TBI

A Journey to Lomekwi: Part Two

Welcome to part two of our Lomekwi journey!  During the second week, we went on a day trip to Nariokotome, went swimming in the lake, and spent more time at the site.  The last blog post left off on Saturday the 4thof August.  On Sunday we had a rest day, and so decided to take [...]

By |2018-08-20T09:39:44+03:00August 14th, 2018|Field Schools, General, Origins Summer 2018|Comments Off on A Journey to Lomekwi: Part Two

A Journey to Lomekwi: Part One

Welcome back, it’s been a while!  We have had a great time at the Lomekwi research and survey area over the past twelve days.  In the first week, we learned a lot about the earliest stone tools, human evolution, and learned more about excavation.  We spent time at the Lomekwi 3 archaeological site and excavated [...]

By |2018-08-20T09:35:57+03:00August 12th, 2018|Origins Summer 2018|Comments Off on A Journey to Lomekwi: Part One

Finishing up the Archaeology Module

It’s been a productive week here at TBI! The last part of the archaeology module was all about learning how to excavate a site, and we were lucky enough to participate in an archaological dig with the Later Prehistory of West Turkana (LPWT) team. The site we’re working at, Nakwaperit 2, is thought to be [...]

By |2018-07-29T21:45:01+03:00July 29th, 2018|Field Schools, General, Origins Summer 2018|Comments Off on Finishing up the Archaeology Module

Goodbye Mpala, Hello Turkwel!

Welcome back!  We’ve had an exciting week.  Our last few days at the Mpala research center were spent learning more about the savanna ecosystem surrounding us, and about the community that is a dynamic part of the ecosystem.  Wednesday morning, we went with Pat Milligan of the University of Florida to the greenhouses at Mpala [...]

By |2018-07-19T09:02:14+03:00July 19th, 2018|General|Comments Off on Goodbye Mpala, Hello Turkwel!
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