Origins Field School

Exploring Kenya’s Living Landscape: Immersed in Nature

The Spring 2025 Origins Field School launched earlier this year with students from Stony Brook, University College London, the University of Helsinki and Kenya heading into the field with Professor Dino J. Martins to explore the world around them and uncover the connections between People and Nature. How and why do [...]

By |2025-03-24T15:32:07+03:00March 24th, 2025|Featured, Field Schools, General, Origins Field School, Spring 2025, Sticky|Comments Off on Exploring Kenya’s Living Landscape: Immersed in Nature

Welcome to the final blog post of the Spring 2024 TBI Origins Fieldschool!

For the final two weeks of the fieldschool, the students returned across to the West side of Lake Turkana to the TBI Turkwel campus. Although it was hard to say goodbye to the wonderful staff, wildlife and landscapes of Ileret, we were also excited to get back to Turkwel, especially to see the camp [...]

By |2024-04-29T11:54:37+03:00April 18th, 2024|Featured, Field Schools, General, Origins Field School, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on Welcome to the final blog post of the Spring 2024 TBI Origins Fieldschool!

A Tale of Hominins & Hippos: Human Evolution at Ileret Campus

Hello! It’s Ruth and Libby here to tell you all about our human evolution module, taught by Dr. Carrie Mongle and Dr. Louise Leakey. We started our week out with some lectures about why we are here in the Turkana Basin to learn about human evolution. East Africa and Kenya specifically have been at [...]

By |2024-04-23T14:31:11+03:00April 18th, 2024|Featured, Field Schools, General, Origins Field School, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on A Tale of Hominins & Hippos: Human Evolution at Ileret Campus

Buluk 2024: A Paleontological dream meets a Meteorological nightmare!

Hello readers of the TBI Origins Field School blog, providing updates and a recap of this past week are students Maddie, an undergraduate at Stony Brook University, and David, a postgraduate student at Kenyatta University! After a relaxing Sunday at Ileret spent playing football alongside the locals at the nearby village, and some sodas [...]

By |2024-04-23T12:28:54+03:00March 24th, 2024|Featured, Field Schools, General, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on Buluk 2024: A Paleontological dream meets a Meteorological nightmare!

A stormy tale of cladistics and bone identification at Ileret.

This week’s blog comes from Simone and Sedona, and we’ll be talking about our experiences during the first week of the vertebrate paleontology course, which is also the field school’s first week while staying at TBI Ileret on the east side of Lake Turkana! Simone is a recent graduate from Boston University with a [...]

By |2024-04-23T12:30:50+03:00March 24th, 2024|Featured, Field Schools, Origins Field School, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on A stormy tale of cladistics and bone identification at Ileret.

Field geology at Lothagam and Napudet

In our final week of Geology, Dr. Gathogo took the students out in the field to explore the Miocene and Pliocene sediments in the Turkana Basin. This provided an opportunity for the students to apply their sedimentology skills. An early morning excursion to Lothagam on Tuesday had students practice their geological skills, which [...]

By |2024-02-22T09:08:27+03:00February 22nd, 2024|Field Schools, General, Origins Field School, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on Field geology at Lothagam and Napudet

The Intricate Beauty of Geology

Greetings from the hot and sunny Turkwel, Turkana! It's Mishy and Alisa reporting on our first week of the Geology module with Professor Patrick Gathogo. Let’s go through some highlights and key points: On the first Monday, February 5, we were briefed on safety measures (S, H, E) for keeping safe, hydrated [...]

By |2024-02-19T10:47:32+03:00February 19th, 2024|Featured, Field Schools, Origins Field School, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on The Intricate Beauty of Geology

An ecological shift: from Mpala to Turkana!

Hello all, this entry of the blog comes to you from Edmond and Phoebe, two students at the TBI Origins Field School.   On Monday (the day after we had completed the Great Grevy's Rally) we all flew in two groupsout to TBI Turkwel, Turkana County. Once at the Mpala airstrip, the tiny [...]

By |2024-02-12T22:33:08+03:00February 12th, 2024|Featured, Field Schools, General, Origins Field School, Spring 2024, Sticky|Comments Off on An ecological shift: from Mpala to Turkana!
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