
Staking (or flagging) a claim

Where people go, they leave their trash. Since the Turkana Basin has been home to people for millions of years, there’s a lot of trash for archaeologists to pick up. The classic image of archaeology is the studious excavator sweating with trowel in hand in a meter-by-meter square trying to figure out how a piece [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:10+03:00March 5th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Staking (or flagging) a claim

Preparing a Paleolithic Barbeque

The Turkana Basin Field school has switched timescales again. In ecology we were learning about the rapid impact modern humans are having on our environment, particularly in the Turkana Basin. In Geology we stepped way back to take a longer view of the basin’s evolution, starting with the Cretaceous rocks of the Basin (about 70 [...]

By |2017-01-04T18:05:10+03:00February 28th, 2013|Field Schools, General|Comments Off on Preparing a Paleolithic Barbeque
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